Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 162: SK Governance v.5.0

Our last session for the SK Governance program is "The SK Budget". We had it in the SK Office  with Mrs. Elizabeth P. Sorilla, Budget Officer IV, as lecturer.

Mrs. Sorilla will be retiring soon and she expressed her gratefulness to have her last lecture on budget, before retirement with the young. But the Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Fatima had the pleasure of having this seasoned public employee with us. However, her public service might not end here since she's posed for a position in their barangay, as an official.

She has given notable insights on how we the barangay budget came to be, and how the SK budget took its form. She further identified important aspects of the SK fund's allocation requirements and gave points to which project it may be put to good use in a barangay setting.

A focused discussion on SK Budget is available on this audio presentation via Youtube. This being said, she also discussed allocation of the barangay funds and a good amount of life experience.

Any more words?

We will be providing profiles of prospective Sangguniang Kabataan candidates, especially the Chairpersons. How these profiles are generated will be best explained on future posts.

I was thinking of sharing something funny on my next post.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 173: Parliamentary Procedure 101 pt. 1

Our Parliamentary Procedure Lecture, part of the SK Governance program, was held today, 12th of July 2013, at (can you believe it?) Sangguniang Panglungsod Session Hall! Yes!

Before the lecture/workshop, we we’re invited by our speaker to secure permission from the Vice Mayor’s for the use of the facility. The request was granted. On the day, the staffs have been very accommodating and the hall was so fitting for the said lecture. The facility and total ambience welcomed the participants for the lecture’s invitation of a healthy mental calisthenics.

We had an awesome time with more than 30 young people, prospective SK Officials and students, and guests.

The company was participative enough to thoroughly practice what Mrs. Rosalinda Mondido taught. They had a workshop and Kervin Cang became the mock session’s Presiding Officer, proponents of the discussed motion were Metuschella Lasdoce and Vlademir Durban, Jr.

Basic Principles in Parliamentary Procedure.

  1. Every member has equal right, whether to vote or discuss.
  2. Majority, i.e., Simple Majority (1/2+1), always rules; however,
  3. Minority must be heard and rights be protected.
  4. There should be singularity of subject having one subject at a time.
  5. Debate and free discussion is allowed, must be allowed.
  6. Motions are to be voted upon.
  7. The Presiding Officer must be impartial, fair.
  8. Courtesy to others during meeting, decorum, is observed in any proceedings.

But what is “decorum”?

In Mrs. Mondido’s words, “In parliamentary parlance, the term decorum refers to the propriety of conduct and decency of words or speech of members in a deliberative body or assembly.”

The Rules of Decorum…

…should be known by any participant of a Parliamentary Procedure. Remember to observe:

  • Impersonal and formal reference to the Presiding Officer
  • Impersonal and formal reference to another member.
  • Pertinence of statements to issue discussed.
  • Remarks, questions, or answers are coursed to the Chair.
  • Speaking against own motion is not allowed.
  • Time limit! As how Mrs. Mondido [link] suggested, only 2 minutes for each speaker.
  • Civility of conduct is expected – on all members.
  • No monopoly of discussion or debate.
  • Changing of votes may be made by members.
  • Seeking recognition first before speaking.
  • Timing of “motion to adjourn”. It must not be done if someone is speaking or has the floor.
  • That motion of reporting committee chairman or member needs no second.
  • Impartiality of the Chair.
  • That exercise of right has limit.

Interpellation Rules!

Ma’am Mondido kept it plain:

  • Be honest in asking questions
  • Avoid embarrassing questions
  • Avoid fault-finding questions
  • Avoid questions that tend to cross examine or interrogate.
  • Avoid asking more than two successive questions at a time.
  • Graciously acknowledge the answer.
  • Never argue with the respondent.

Any more words?

Glory be to God in all of these feats! There are other things that we have learned. I may post it soon. I’ll link the two posts for review.

Tomorrow will be last session for this program, SK Budgeting. This ought to be fun!

Also, have time to click this link for the schedule and program of the Kal’ton Festival.

Happy 3rd Kal’ton Festival Fatima!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 182: iLead 3

Last month marks the last Intentional Leadership (iLead) traning, for this term. It was conducted June 12 through 14 at Villa RealResort, Nagpan, Sarangani Province.

The iLead raised to the power of 3 focused on three things: (1) Financial Management for the POs and other organizations, (2) Boy-Girl Relationships, and (3) team building. Moreover, we achieved our three purposes.

Participants from different puroks joined the program. On one hand, some purok leaders who are students were not able to join since it was school days. On the other hand, many took the commitment to really take absence and gain skills and knowledge for their puroks.


However, weak participation was experienced during the conduct of the said program even the efforts made to reach out and confirm their participation. In this blog post will be some photo mementos.

"We can have greater profit with Y!"

Thinking is a must!

A good dose in the morning.

Good 15-minute output! :)

"The picture showed..." Essay writing about the image in iLead 3 tarp.

Job's early days of trial.

You know him if you had been in iLead 2 and 3.
Progress as a group guys!

Kagawad April Rose with Ton-ton and Ricky.

Finding Pusti-Sho Nemo.

To infinity and beyond!!!

Any more words?

We have started to disseminate information about the Kal'ton Festival activities.

Last Tuesday, we had met with the schools for Drum and Bugle Competition. Earlier than that, last Saturday, we met with the PSK representatives for widespread dissemination.

The soonest possible time, I'll post the program for the Kal'ton Festival in this site.

Almost there...